IWC Sake - 2023年の最新情報 - NEW FOR 2023

About IWC Sake competition
Category to enter (カテゴリーについて)
Rules of Entry (エントリー規定とサンプル出品について)
Shipping Sake (サンプル酒の発送について)
Judging and Awards (審査とアワード)
Discovery Tasting (ディスカバリー・テイスティングの説明)




2022年7月1日~2023年6月30日 酒造年度は2022年
2021年7月1日~2022年6月30日 酒造年度は2021年
2020年7月1日~2021年6月30日 酒造年度は2020年




1.Amber Style: 酸化熟成が進み、黄色から琥珀色に着色している。貯蔵期間(上槽から出荷まで)は3年以上。貯蔵方法(容器、温度)は問わない。自然な熟成タイプ。

2. Mature Style: 酸化熟成が進みにくいように貯蔵温度や貯蔵方法を工夫し、蔵内で1年以上熟成させてから出荷。色合いも褐変化をあまりしていないクリアに近いタイプ。



1. Amber Style:満3年以上にわたり、常温熟成させた主に黄色~琥珀色の液色となったSAKE。

2. Mature Style:液色が透明に近く、低温(定温)熟成されたSAKE。






1. 低温/定温貯蔵

2. 常温熟成

3. 両方(例:タンクでは常温熟成、瓶詰後に低温熟成など)


Vintages and Brewing seasons

The IWC has always used ‘Vintages’ i.e. the year it was made. Sake, unlike wine, can be brewed over a longer period, so from IWC 2023 will adopt the brewing season from 1 July to 30 June as a brewing year.


JUL2022-JUN2023   Brewing Year 2022
JUL2021-JUN2022   BY2021
JUL2020-JUN2021   BY2020 and so on…

IWC and the Koshu Category

As you know the IWC believes making Sake easy for consumers to understand and buy without confusion. Koshu is a broad category with lots of different styles, so we have decided to set some criteria within the category to make it easier to judge and also easier for buyers to identify.

The Koshu category will be split into two sections as follows:

1.      Koshu, which the IWC regards as the amber style, oxidised or coloured.

2.      Aged Sake – This generally will be clear and look like fresh sake, but also could be quite old being kept under colder/constant temperatures and less oxidised.

These will be still identified in the Koshu Category, but will be tasted separately from each other until the Trophy tasting, where will we look for the Koshu Trophy, i.e. the best in Category.

The sections will be identified as follows:

1.      Koshu – Must be minimum of 3 years or older, be yellow to amber in colour and generally aged in a natural ambient temperature.

2.      Aged Sake – Can be 1 year old or older. Generally stored at colder/constant temperatures. Can be stored for many years and be very old.

We are asking brewers for some more information as follows:
Identify the year of production (see Vintage’s and brewing seasons for explanation)

Identify the storage temperature

1.      Low/Constant temperature storage

2.      Ambient

3.      Both (i.e from ambient in tank to cold storage in bottle)

The IWC will then flight these for judging accordingly.

Rejoignez International Wine Challenge

  • Sponsors of the Supermarket of the Year Award
  • Sponsors of the Great Value Sake Award
  • Sponsors of IWC Sake Prefecture of the Year Award
  • Sponsors of the Large Independent of the Year Award
  • Sponsors of Wine Educator of the Year
  • Sponsors of the South Africa Specialist Award
  • Sponsors of IWC Online Retailer of the Year
  • Sponsors of IWC Champion Sake of the Year
  • Sponsors of the Rosé Specialist Merchant of the Year Awards
  • Supporter 4