How a Lambrusco brand aims to broaden its appeal

Leading producer Riunite has redesigned its packaging while the new communications campaign harks back to the heyday of this oft-derided Italian sparkling wine…

How a Lambrusco brand aims to broaden its appeal

Lambrusco producer Riunite has updated its famous tagline in new campaign

How a Lambrusco brand aims to broaden its appeal
  • Chris Boiling
  • 2024-08-27
When I asked an AI app, ChatSonic, what tarnished Lambrusco’s reputation during the wine boom of the 1970s and 1980s, it returned four reasons:

  • Mass production – the ability to produce more stable and marketable wines led to mass production, often at the expense of quality.
  • Sweetness overload – many producers focused on creating overly sweet versions of Lambrusco, which were often derided as the “Coca-Cola of wines”.
  • Loss of authenticity – the mass-produced Lambrusco of this era was often not considered genuine, but rather a sweet sparkling juice.
  • Aggressive marketing – campaigns like ‘Riunite on Ice, That’s Nice’ targeted a mass-market, associating Lambrusco with low-quality, cheap wine.
So, it’s interesting to see that Riunite – which originated from a coalition of nine co-op wineries – has an updated label and new communications campaign which recalls this campaign. The famous tagline has been updated to “On Ice...STILL Nice!”
The new labels, which appeared in the USA this summer, are designed to “seamlessly blend classic and modern elements and reinforce its position as the world’s leading Lambrusco”.
Each varietal label utilises a single colour to convey each wine style and includes a sketch of the landscape of Emilia Romagna, highlighting the wine’s connection to its birthplace. Additionally, for the first time, the bottle is embossed with the distinctive Riunite ‘R’ on both the 750ml and 1.5L sizes.

Riunite Lambrusco bottle
Riunite, which processes 89,000 tons of grapes annually in eight winemaking centres, says it is embracing its heritage and honouring its past while looking toward the future by putting a modern twist on its iconic slogan, ‘Riunite on Ice, That’s Nice’.
Phil Williams, executive creative director at HALO, which helped the Riunite team bring the new label to life, comments: “We wanted to capture the new label colour in a bold and energetic way with dynamic stripes harking back to Riunite’s 1980s heyday. We wanted the consumer to quickly digest the essential RTB takeaways from five feet away. The new tagline, ‘On ice... Still nice!’, reinforces Riunite’s message: We have a new look, and we’re still the same classic Lambrusco you know and love. The message appeals to existing consumers while enticing new consumers to discover the Riunite brand.”
Mina Rouas, from US wine importer and wholesaler Fredrick Wildman, adds: “Our goal was to create a design that respects our storied past while appealing to the next generation of wine lovers. The new labels are not just an aesthetic update; they represent our commitment to quality and our passion for innovation. By incorporating elements that resonate with a younger audience, we aim to broaden our appeal and ensure our wines are enjoyed by a new wave of enthusiasts. We believe this fresh look will strengthen our connection with loyal customers and attract new enthusiasts to the Riunite family.”

'We believe this fresh look will strengthen our connection with loyal customers'
Alongside the new label, Riunite has invested in a new website, social media, influencer marketing, communications, and events. The brand, in collaboration with US agency Colangelo & Partners, has also placed ads through Vox Media (Eater and Thrillist) and in publications within target markets such as Atlanta Magazine and LOCALE Magazine in Southern California.
Riunite’s Lambrusco was the leading imported wine in the USA from 1976 until 2000, reaching its peak in 1985 with 11.5 million cases sold (according to NielsenIQ).
The introduction of the new labels and communications campaign comes at a pivotal moment, as Lambrusco is undergoing a renaissance in the USA – it’s now the third best-selling Italian red wine and ranks no2 in cases sold, with a growth of +1.5% per POD.

ChatSonic says the resurgence is due to these six factors:

  • A focus on dry styles – a younger generation of vintners has moved away from sweet versions, concentrating on producing dry iterations with higher alcohol content and balanced acidity.
  • Controlled fermentation – winemakers are carefully managing the fermentation process to reign in the excessive fizz that characterized mass-produced Lambrusco.
  • Variety and complexity – modern Lambrusco ranges from light rosés rivalling pink Prosecco to deep reds that can compete with top Italian wines.
  • Quality over quantity – today’s producers emphasise quality, meticulously managing the winemaking process from grape to glass.
  • Embracing tradition – many wineries are returning to traditional methods and highlighting the wine’s long history, which dates to ancient times.
  • Consortium formation – in 2021, the Consorzio Tutela Lambrusco DOC was formed, uniting various Lambrusco-producing consortia under one umbrella to promote and protect the wine’s quality and reputation.

Riunite points out Lambrusco perfectly aligns with current consumer trends: a slightly fizzy red (or pink) featuring a naturally low alcohol content (6-8% ABV).
Additionally, Riunite has released its latest libation, aimed at young adults: The Riunite Lambrusco Spritz, made with one part Riunite Lambrusco and one part sparkling wine, complemented by a splash of lemonade or a squeeze of lemon, served over ice and garnished with a vibrant lemon wheel.

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